Dr. Shereene Idriss Talks ‘One-Night Stand’ and The Lessons She Learned Along The Way
Founder Dr. Shereene Idriss in stylish pajamas in front of a vanity attached to article explaining her successful Instagram series One-Night Stand

When the concept of One-Night Stand (ONS) came about, along with the banana breads, zoom quizzes, and Tiger King binge sessions of the world, it was simply another feel-good mood-booster to kick the lockdown blues. But over time it evolved into something more impactful a series that spotlighted trailblazing industry voices and budding beauty brand names with the end goal to inspire and empower fellow beauty enthusiasts and next-gen beauty pioneers. But sadly, all good things come to an end as One-Night Stand concludes on Instagram Live this June (Hint: it won’t be gone forever as there may be a podcast in our future 👀). We chat with founder Dr. Shereene Idriss about the influential Instagram series and what’s next for the brand. 


How did the idea of One-Night Stand materialize?

 One-Night Stand (ONS) was born out of necessity. It started in March 2020 when the world was locking down because of COVID, and we were told to social distance and not see one another. So I thought to myself, this is a great opportunity to connect with the names and faces behind beauty brands and learn more about how these brands were created. I also wanted to foster a platform that would shed light on new brands that didn't have the marketing budget to shed light on themselves.


What kind of topics did you hope ONS would cover?

Not only did ONS cover the necessary skincare basics, but it also told the stories behind how brands are built. I often say, it's easy to make something, but it’s really hard to succeed. And I think those who do succeed almost always have bulldozer moments in their lives, and those bulldozer moments are extremely inspirational and relatable as everybody goes through hardships. So instead of judging the final product by its cover on a shelf, I thought understanding the hardships and chronicles behind building a brand were most interesting. 


How did this differ from your #PillowtalkDerm Youtube series?

My YouTube series is more in-depth regarding ingredients, understanding the technicalities behind products, and understanding how to use products. It's like a recipe how to use and what to use, whereas the One-Night Stand series offered viewers a glimpse behind the scenes into the world of those creating those recipes. 


Which celebrities and beauty insiders were on your list of dream guests, and were there any who eventually appeared on the series?


 I never thought celebrities like Ashley Graham, Mindy Kaling, and Emily Ratajkowski would show up. And as for dream guests, Bobbi Brown was an unbelievable one to have, as was Marcia Kilgore. There were definitely more on my dream guest list like Pat McGrath, and Serena Williams was a stretch, but who knows; maybe when we bring out the next iteration of One-Night Stand, we’ll make this happen. So keep your eyes out for that! 


How did you select your guest list, and how did the conversation of collaborating go? 

 It started off very organically. I knew of people who had interesting stories that I wanted to bring on, and I let them nominate the next person because birds of a feather flock together, as they say. But I also wanted to make sure that my guest list was very inclusive and comprehensive and not just limited to the same type of person. The series spotlighted individuals from all walks of life.


The best advice shared by your guests?

Shani Darden gave me great advice, saying build your community, talk to them, and do not be afraid to venture outside of your comfort zone. Bobbi Brown agreed when I said it’s hard to balance it all, which gave me reassurance as it came from someone I respect very much in the industry. 


What's one lesson you hope your audience took away from the series?

That if you set your mind to something, you can do it too. Everyone is special in their own right, but if you have a dream and are passionate about what you want to go after, you can make it happen if you have the grit and conviction.


What’s next for Shereene? And any new and exciting projects coming up that the PTD family should know about?

I can’t even keep my head above water because there are so many new and exciting projects coming up. From PillowtalkDerm launching its skincare brand to it just being much bigger than a beauty brand. I also plan to go down the realm of a podcast with One-Night Stand so I can reach people in spaces other than Instagram and hopefully inspire them to believe in themselves and navigate the beauty industry with newfound confidence.